Update from Family & Friends Journaling Group

We’ve now held two sessions of the Journaling Group for Family and Friends, co-hosted by ISPS UK trustees Jen Kilyon and Julia Macintosh. Julia has facilitated journaling workshops since 2017 and brings a great enthusiasm for this type of reflective writing. She also brings her own lived experience as a patient herself as well as a carer of both family members and friends. Jen too brings a great deal of experience and wisdom as a carer.

Together Julia and Jen hold a warm and safe space for each session, the first of which took place in November and offered the journaling prompt: “How do you meet madness?” In January the group met again with the prompt: “lost and found.” Participants took time to write to the session prompt and to then share their thoughts and reflections from the exercise, and in some instances to read snippets from their writing. Each prompt led to rich discussions, in a mutually supportive and welcoming space.

If you yourself care for a friend or family member who has experienced psychosis, or know of anyone else who may benefit from the journaling group, please do get in touch at admin@ispsuk.org to register a place.